Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014


            Last year was my fourth semester. In that semester I got a long holiday. But as usual, the schedule in my university was so annoying. When other university have already start a new semester, my university had just start the holiday. So, I didn’t have any friends to spend my holiday. Just staying at home really made me bored. Then, I thought to spend my holiday somewhere out of this town. Accidentally I heard a good news from my friends if Kereta Api Indonesia company held a special promo tickets to out of town. Immediately, I ask my friend to join me having a trip to Jogja and then we booked the tickets. After we got the tickets, we arranged some plans about how the trip would be, like how long we will stay there, what places that we want to be visited, how about the accommodation, hotels, budget, and etc.

            On September 9th 2013 we went to Jogja by train from pasar senen station at 22.00 and arrived at lempuyangan station on September 10th at 06.26. As you looked in that picture, I went there with the lovable one, Noris Iskandar. After we arrived in lempuyangan station, we took a becak to bring us to puspita hotel. After that we had breakfast and took a rest for a while. In our first day there, as the plan that we had arranged, we decided to went to Borobudur temple. We went at noon, around 13.00 by a motorcycle that we had rent from pamitran motor rent. Borobudur is located in Magelang, central Java. It was far away from our hotel so we have to rode our motorcycle for about two hours. To enter the Borobudur temple, we have to paid Rp 20.000/person. Borobudur is the famous buddhist temple. Borobudur is one of the wonders of the world, so no wonder why there were many tourists there. And… here is the picture of Borobudur temple taken from the top. How beautiful it is. Not only enjoy how wonders Borobudur is, we also can look the beautiful secenary from the top of Borobudur temple.

            On our second day in jogja, we decided to went to two places in a day. First we were going to goa pindul and then we’re going to indrayanti beach. Goa pindul is located in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. We went there by motorcycle and the trip from our hotel to goa pindul took about one half hours.  Goa pindul cave offers a set of interesting natural scenery and unique traveling experience. This cave provides a different style of enjoying activity. Especially, when we are laying on a set of tubes, we can enjoy drifting along the pindul river underground with its unique caves. It filled with a cluster of bats, the magnificient stalactites within. And here is our picture when trying cave tubing……

            After trying cave tubing we’re  continue our journey to indrayanti beach. The trip from goa pindul to indrayanti beach tooks 45 minutes. This beach is different from other beaches in Yogyakarta. This beaches have a new modern concept than others. It seems from the location and facilities arrangement. There were many restaurants lined at the seaside. The colourful umbrella adorn the white sand and corals. This is such a beautiful beach. And here is the picture of scenary in indrayanti beach taken from the top…

            And in the third day, we just went shopping to malioboro, spent the night in alun-alun, having dinner in bukit bintang, and ect. surely, bukit bintang was such a romantic place. Unfortunately, we didn’t take some pictures there because my camera was low battery.
On september 13th, our last day in Jogja we just continued our shopping and bought some merchandise for our colleagues, and then we back to Jakarta by progo train. We left jogja at 15.30 from lempuyangan station. At 23.49 we arrived in pasar senen  station and went home soon. Pretty sad, but that was very our quality time in jogja. That was a nice trip. Thankyou jogja for saving our beautiful memories. Hopefully, this semester we could explore another city.


Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons is a movie directed by Ron Howard (Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind, The Da Vinci Code) and based on Dan Brown’s novel with the same title. This two hours movie following Prof Robert Langdon, a symbologist who teach at Harvard, as he tried to solve the mystery of the path of illumination in order to save the preferiti who had been kidnapped just before the upcoming Conclave.

This movie involved two big infamous groups, CERN and The Vatican. The plot itself wants to show us that there are still some people who do not agree with Science’s involvement with the church. Just like the old days between the church and the illuminati, like Galileo who had been imprisoned for stating the truth, but the Church did not like it. Because at that time the church afraid that people will no longer believe in God. Just like what happened with The Carmelengo in this movie. He was afraid if science ruled the world then “What had left for God?” just like what he said in the movie. Based on his fear, the whole tragedy then happened…

The carmelengo character has some similarity with other antagonist in Prof Langdon series by Dan Brown. They’re like a lost child who had lost its way from their father. The carmelengo here just like Silas in The Da Vinci Code and Andros in The Lost Symbol.

The movie has some differences with the book. For people who have read the book first, I think this movie will be a little bit disappointing. Aside from some differences plot, character background also not explained much in the movie plot. We have to link what the connection between this and that. For example, the bespectacled man who kidnapped the preferiti with the main antagonist. What is his reason to kidnap and killed the preferiti? What’s their connection? Apparently, he is an assassin hired by Janus (codename for the Carmelengo, also not explained in the movie).

Despite the fact that this movie had received so many negative comments and even bad ratings, I still like this movie because its fresh genre. Thanks for Dan Brown, really. You could find the conspiracies everywhere. It will make you curious whether some things that stated in the movie/novel were the mind blowing fact or just some great mixed between this and that by Dan Brown.

The cast itself so promising with Tom Hanks as Professor Langdon, and Ewan McGregor as the not-so-innocent Carmelengo.

Tom Hanks as Prof. Robert Langdon

 He is a symbologist professor at Harvard and the main protagonist in this movie.  He is smart, but flawed, of course. He always wears his Mickey Mouse wristwatch just to remind himself to not being so serious in life. He is a little bit reluctant when people from The Vatican ask for his help but help them eventually.

Ayelet Zurer as Vittoria Vetra

She is a scientist who works on antimatter project at CERN. She is smart but sometimes also a deviant (for tearing one of Galileo’s Diaggrama pages). In The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol novel, Prof Robert thoughts express his romantic interest with her. It’s much to my surprise when I see Ayelet Zurer in Man of Steel (2013) as Lara Lor-Van or Superman’s biological mother.

Ewan McGregor as Camerlengo Patrick Mckenna (The Carmelengo)

He is the late Pope’s Camerlengo, and also his biological son. He doesn’t want science interfere with the Vatican church’s life, but the late Pope is not in the same vision with him so this whole tragedy happen. It’s a little bit surprising for me that Ewan McGregor played this role, but the character itself suits him very well. 

Armin Mueller-Stahl as Cardinal Strauss 

He is a wise old man. The carmelengo often disagree with him, because he thinks that Cardinal Strauss tried to take the next Pope’s chair.

Pierfrancesco Favino as Inspector Olivetti

He is the one who give the idea to ask Professor Langdon’s help for this case.

Nikolaj Lie Kaas as Assassin
From some of his dialogue, it is implied that he actually did not want to kidnap and killed the preferiti.  And it seems that he had worked before for some people who use God as the reason to kill people.

Stellan Skarsgard as Commander Richter
He is the Swiss Guard. The security within the Vatican walls is his responsible, so he did not like outsider. He did not like the American professor Langdon for being so well-known about everything in this case. He also likes using his power to do some things. He is not a likeable character, but apparently he (and Father Simeon) knows about the truth behind the whole story.

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014


This is the thing that I often thought since I was in senior high school till now. Sometimes I thought, what will I do after graduated from university? What should I do? What will I be? Where am I going to work? How about my career? How about my salary? And etc questions about my future life flew up into my mind.
I’m not a child anymore. So.. It’s normal when I thought about my future life in this age, because I would get my bachelor degree next year. Aamiin.
Honestly, I’m fed up with my college. I’m fed up with too many assignments. I hate when I get inhumane lecturer who never understood their students condition. I hate being under pressure in this semester. This semester such an exhausting semester. Not only for me but for all of the sixth semester students in Gunadarma University. Sometimes it makes me thought to finish college faster and hope this semester will over quickly. I’m really fed up.
Graduation has always been an awaited moment by the students. When I graduated from Gunadarma, of course I would paint my better life. No one know how’s their future life, including me. We never know where we’re going to work, how much salary we gain, our career development, and everything that happens in the future. But certainly everyone dreams about their bright future.
So…… When I graduated from Gunadarma, first I’m looking for a job with expected salary. And then I would save my money. I would make my parents be proud of me.. And then hm.. maybe I wanna be a business woman, but haven’t thought what kind of business it will. And the last, Like other girls dream about, I wanna get marry with the lovable one, having cute kids, and built sakinnah, mawaddah, and warrahmah family.

I think that’s all. Hopefully that would come true in my life. Aamiin.


Pada zaman globalisasi seperti sekarang ini, akan semakin banyak perkembangan yang terjadi di negeri ini. Efeknya pun bukan hanya pada bidang teknologi saja, di bidang perekonomian pun terkena dampak dari globalisasi tersebut, antara lain meningkatnya perdagangan bebas, semakin banyaknya perusahaan-perusahaan asing yang berdiri di Indonesia, banyaknya perusahaan lokal Indonesia yang masuk ke pasar dunia, dan semakin banyaknya perusahaan internasional yang masuk ke pasar lokal. Hal-hal tersebut berdampak pada kebutuhan penggunaan bahasa internasional yaitu bahasa inggris yang menjadi tolok ukur standar internasional. Untuk itu sudah menjadi suatu kewajiban bagi para pengusaha dan para pencari kerja untuk menguasai bahasa internasional tersebut. Menguasai bahasa inggris adalah bekal yang baik bagi setiap orang yang ingin berkembang dalam dunia globalisasi.
Bahasa merupakan alat komunikasi yang paling crucial, dan suka atau tidak suka, saat ini Bahasa Inggris sudah sangat mendominasi semua aspek dalam hal komunikasi. Bisa dilihat hampir semua alat elektronik menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Sebagian besar Negara-negara di Asia juga menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua sesudah bahasa nasional mereka, misalnya Singapura, Malaysia dan Filipina. 
Bahasa Inggris sudah menjadi bahasa universal yang digunakan dalam dunia teknologi, pendidikan, politik, perdagangan, dan sebagainya. Bahasa inggris adalah bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia, karena sudah menjadi tolak ukur standar internasional. Bahasa inggris juga merupakan satu-satunya bahasa penghubung yang digunakan oleh orang-orang dari bangsa berbeda ketika saling bertemu. Apabila bekerja di perusahaan asing maka tuntutan keterampilan bahasa Inggris lebih besar lagi, karena di sana kita akan berkomunikasi via email atau via tele conference dengan perusahaan di negara lainnya menjadi pekerjaaan sehari-hari bagi mereka yang bekerja di perusahaan asing. Dan semuanya menggunakan bahasa internasional yaitu bahasa asing.
Kebutuhan akan penggunaan bahasa Inggris ternyata sudah tidak bisa dielakkan lagi. Hampir semua lini kini telah menggunakan bahasa Inggris bahkan dalam dunia pendidikan telah menjadikan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar resmi. Bahasa inggris sudah  diajarkan disekolah-sekolah dari tingkat dasar sampai perguruan tinggi dan termasuk materi pelajaran yang diujikan pada ujian akhir nasional tingkat SMP dan SMA, maka dari itu pendidikan dan bahasa tidak bisa dipisahkan. Maka dari itu, penggunaan bahasa Inggris harus dibiasakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dalam berbagai aktifitas sehingga kita semakin menguasai bahasa Inggris. Dengan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris tentu saja memudahkan bagi anda yang ingin melanjutkan studi di luar negeri dimana bahasa inggris sangat penting bagi anda yang ingin bekerja di suatu perusahaan tentu menjadi nilai tambah tersendiri karena banyak perusahaan yang mensyaratkan pelamar memiliki memilki kemampuan berbahasa inggris. Dengan kemampuan bahasa inggris yang baik, akan terbuka banyak kesempatan untuk memperoleh perkerjaan yang baik terutama di perusahaan multinasional yang memang mensyaratkan kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang baik untuk memperluas pergaulan di dunia internasional. Itulah mengapa pentingnya bahasa inggris di masa sekarang ini, dan sangat penting di bidang akuntansi tentunya, marilah kita mempelajari bahasa Inggris dari sekarang agar menguasai bahasa Inggris untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.

As we well know, english is the most commonly used language around the world. There are many benefits of learning English such as improve your understanding globally, get better grades, help you to communicate with the foreigner, develop your career, get higher salary, and etc. So, English is not something important but something needed nowadays.